Who We Are

AMBYESE stands for Annual Multicultural Business Youth Educational Services Embarkment (AMBYESE). Established in 1984, AMBYESE is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization that seeks to help culturally-diverse, college-bound high school students achieve their educational goals through its partnerships with renowned higher-educational institutions and corporations. We focus on mentoring, summer college-virtual and in person college-prep programs and internships. 

What We Do

AMBYESE prepares multicultural secondary school students for the challenges of a more diverse  STEM workforce in the 21st Century. Our objective is to motivate students to strive for academic excellence by exposing students to career options in the corporate sector. We aim to  mitigate student anxieties concerning “big business” by instilling in them a high level of self-esteem. Our objective is to ensure our students  learn about careers through the mentorship and guidance of highly successful multicultural role models. We've worked in concert with students, their parents, and schools to mentor more than 17,000 culturally diverse high school students helping to prepare them for college and beyond.

Our Board Members

  • Dr. Mohamed Z. Badaoui Najjar, PepsiCo

  • Dr. Jayme Beckham, CT Technical High School System

  • Dr. Crystal N. March-Brinkley, M.D.

  • Dr. Paulette G. Curtis,Distinguished Higher Education Extraordinaire

  • John H. Howell, CPA, Retired Partner, Ernest & Young

  • Wendell L. Johnson, Founder and CEO

  • Catalino Espino, University of Notre Dame

  • Dr. John Sirman, Linde

  • Dr. Brenda L. Smith, United Nations / Retired School Superintendent, Mount Vernon, NY,

  • Michelle Johnson-Wheeler, Entrepreneur

Our Sponsors

We thank our generous sponsors who make our work possible.

  • Linde

  • PepsiCo

  • Savings Bank of Danbury

  • University of Connecticut

  • University of Notre Dame

  • ASM Materials Camp

  • Rotary Club International

  • Anonymous


Our History

Since AMBYESE's inception in 1984 over 17,000 multicultural, college-bound students have participated in AMBYESE's  three phased programs namely, the Annual Youth Educational Conference, the Student Tracking and Academic  Fulfillment Force -- S.T.A.F.F. and / or the Youth Endeavoring to Succeed,  -- Y. E.S, I Can program.

As a direct result of their participation in one or more of the above free of charge AMBYESE initiatives, our students have gone on to earn their undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees and certificates. To date, the vast majority of AMBYESE's participating students have received full scholarships totaling $20 million to the first college or university of their choice.